Lindsey decided to push outside her comfort zone and fulfill her desire to be an student body officer. This is quite an uncommon thing at her school. She had to actually ask permission to run for office and cheerleader because it hasn't been done in, at least that anyone could remember. She ran for Spirit Officer on the platform that she could be a great liaison between the cheerleaders and the officers and student body. I always feel nervous when my kids put themselves out there to be judged by their peers. The morning she was supposed to find out was nerve-racking and exciting. When they came to get her it was a big relief.
A couple of weeks later it was on to cheer tryouts. There was some concern as there seemed to be a little back and forth going on between the coaches in regards to Lindsey. We weren't sure if they were going to be on board with her doing both. Lindsey finally talked to them and they were glad she did. Lindsey was supposed to be captain of the cheer squad and they weren't sure how to tell her that the principal had told them she couldn't be captain and an officer. Lindsey was happy they wanted her to be captain but understood the reasons why she couldn't do both. In the end, the best news came when we found out their faculty advisor was quitting! It has been a stressful year working with her and everyone is ready for a change. The results came in and Lindsey made cheerleader. She will have a very busy and eventful year next year-- her senior year.
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