March 12, 2016, that's the day Luke's mission call came! We had stake conference adult session that evening so the time was set for 9:15 pm. As we rounded the corner to our home, James and I noticed there were cars lined up all along both sides of our street. When we walked into our home, it was overwhelming to see all the support of family, neighbors, and friends. The house was full of people.
Luke, sitting on the bar, tore the envelope open and began to read. "... you have been called to serve in the Laoag, Phillipines, mission.... you will preach the gospel in Tagolog." There was an amazing spirit as he read those words. As a parent, I was unprepared for the emotions I would feel. Having served a mission and been where Luke was reading the call, I knew how that felt. I remember feeling a strong confirmation that was where I was supposed to go, I also felt relief that a time was finally set and the process was moving forward. I felt gratitude and love for my Savior and all those supporting me. I imagine Luke felt many of those same feelings. However, as a parent, this was a new experience. I felt a deep love for my son. Memories of him growing up by my side flashed through my mind and I realized he was now becoming a man. There was a little bit of sadness in my heart as I realized things were going to change, our roles would be different. I know change is necessary and growth is good but sometimes I just want to slow things down and savor the moment a little longer. The one feeling that was similar was the deep sense of gratitude and love I felt for my Savior, who loves my son and blesses him, and for the support of so many family and friends. The gospel is a beautiful thing that brings people together and blesses so many lives.
I am grateful for a son who is also my friend. I feel privileged to be his mom and to have watched him grow into the man he has become and the one he is striving to be. I am grateful to have been a part of his successes and his trials because I have learned from watching him in both arenas. I understand more and more that these are not my children but are God's. He loves them, watches over them, and blesses me to help them.
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