Sunday, April 19, 2009

Luke's Piano Recital, April 1, 2009

Luke's piano teacher scheduled her recital for April 1st. I know she had every student tell her he was not going to show up as an April Fool's joke (you know how kids can be so original). Mrs. Reynolds, Luke's teacher, starts them on their recital pieces soon after Christmas so there is no rush to memorize them. I appreciate that, it is a lot less stressful that way. Luke had had his songs memorized for quite some time-- as did his friends, let me explain. Luke has a unique group of friends. Among other things, they enjoy playing the piano (I think that is unique). This group is generally at my house "hanging out." (They don't "play" anymore, they "hang out".) As they sit around deciding what to do, one starts playing his recital piece, and then another, and soon we have a private recital of 11 year old boys. It was fun to listen to them, at first, but after a month or two of the same songs. . .well, let's just say I was happy for the recital to come.

Luke did a great job on his piece as well as his duet with his teacher. It was a great recital because there are a few that are Luke's friends so you know the participants. One of the highlights was when Luke's friend, Nathan, played his patriotic medley. The teacher introduced the piece and explained that she had saved it for the end in honor of our country. When Nathan got up to play it he asked if he could share his opinions of President Obama. Knowing this boy, the thoughts would not have been favorable. Of course his teacher quickly cut him off and told him to just play. We all had a good laugh at the display.