Sunday, February 22, 2009

Heather and her backhand spring.

Heather has been working hard at gymnastics this season. I put her into an advanced class because I felt like she wasn't progressing. She was having a lot of fun in her other classes but they weren't really pushing her. After going to her new class a few times, she asked me if I would move her back to her other teacher because it was too hard. I told her the only way to get better at anything is to work at it, if it isn't hard we don't push ourselves and then we just stay the same. She finally agreed to try her best and not give up. Last week she did her backhand spring by herself! She was quite excited that she was able to do it. This week when she went back she was nervous but she was able to do it again. The second run through gave her the confidence to know that she could do it and it wasn't just luck the first time. I amd proud of her for sticking with it and pushing herself to do better.