Sunday, March 1, 2009

Violin Recital

Heather and Lindsey had their annual violin recital this week. We missed the recital last year so it has been a while since they had to do solos. Both of them did a great job. Heather performed Bach's Minuet I from the Suzuki book 1. Lindsey performed Waltz from the Suzuki book 2. I appreciated that the teacher let them pick a song that they had played previously so it wasn't a lot of stress trying to prepare them for recital.

Alan Wilding's daughter also takes violin from our same teacher so she was also at the recital. I had a nice visit with Alan, Emily, Jeannie and Dave. I had to introduce the kids to their cousins, once again (every violin performance we introduce the kids and they seem to forget each other by the next performance.) I am happy to report that all of the Wildings are doing very well. Nathan is back in his own house and dating a really nice girl. The other family members all live in Davis county so they are close by. Jeannie said she'll be seeing everyone in Beaver in a couple of weeks when they go down for Gib's bull sale. I guess spring is here if it's time for the bull sale!