Friday, January 6, 2012

Matthew turns 5

Happy Birthday Matthew!  This was the first year Matthew really got into his birthday.  Having Savannah's birthday a few days before his set the tone.  In fact, he had reached the age where he was kind of sulky during Savannah's birthday because he wanted it to be his birthday.  I think all of my kids have done that at some point.  The anticipation for his birthday was really building for him this year.  This was also the first year he got to have a party with his friends.

Matthew started the morning with a pumpkin pancake, inspired by IHOP.  He quickly ate and it was on to presents.  His favorite present was the same as Savannah's-- a pillow pet.  He also got a family of dinosaurs that he really liked.  He wasn't too thrilled about the clothes but he needed them because he has grown a few inches.

Matthew's party was also a costume party but was much smaller than Savannah's.  He only invited six friends which was great.  Matthew had picked out what kind of cake he wanted.  He saw a picture online of a bubbling brew cake.  I had found some chocolate balls wrapped in foil eyeballs at the grocery story.  As I was putting on the finishing touches to his cake, he saw the eyeballs and was not impressed.  He informed me that those eyeballs were not the same as he had seen in the picture of the cake he wanted.  He wanted bigger eyeballs.  I was surprised he was so upset and particular.  Wanting to make the birthday boy happy, I quickly ran to the store in search of bigger eyeballs.  The best I could come up with was ping pong balls that we colored on.  Five minutes before guests were arriving we were putting eyeballs on the cake.  I look forward to when he is older and I can tease him about being so particular. 

The highlight of his party was the pinata.  I don't know what it is about whacking some cardboard but kids love it!  I was grateful we had nice weather so we could do it outside.  We had one mishap when the youngest guest didn't quite understand the rules and picked up the bat and started swinging while kids were trying to gather candy.  As you can guess, one guest was hit in the face.  It put a damper on things but he recovered when I told everyone they could go downstairs and play video games.  

I kept telling Matthew that he couldn't turn five, that he had to stay four forever.  As his birthday got closer he would ask me if he could please turn five so he could have a birthday and then he would stay five forever.  He is so sweet.  I know that we can't keep them little, we just have to enjoy them and we sure enjoy Matthew