Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lindsey the Physics Whiz

Lindsey recently participated in a Physics competition sponsered by Utah State. She has been part of a program at the elementary school where they use the Lego Mindstorm program and build robots and program them. Lindsey and her partner made it to the team and competed. They got to go to Lagoon for the competition. Lindsey came home with a grin on her face and told me that they didn't win a single thing. My response was something along the lines of "at least you tried" "I'm proud of you for doing your best" etc, etc. She couldn't contain her excitement for long and she cut me off to tell me they had gotten second place. She said she and her partner were surprised when their name was called. They weren't expecting to do well. They got medals and gift certificates to a couple of places. I think the real prize, however, was getting to go to Lagoon on a school day.