Heather and Savannah were lucky enough to be off track when James had to go to Italy to a dental conference. It is the same conference he and I attended last year. When the opportunity came around again, I was unable to go because we have sweet Ashlyn. James didn't want to go alone so he took Heather and Savannah. Worried that the girls would be bored or lost during the dental conference, I encouraged him to take his parents along to help watch the girls while James was busy. The five of them set off for ten days of Italy.
They all had fun together. From what I've heard, one of their favorite things was the hot chocolate they had in Florence. They also had fun at the leaning tower of Pizza. Savannah says her favorite thing was eating and seeing all of the "amazing stuff." Heather also liked the food and spending time with her dad.
caught my eye + deals 2.28.25
6 days ago