Heather, Savannah, and yes, Matthew have started school. Heather starts her sixth grade year. She has moved to the oldest class at the school. I know she was excited and nervous about starting but she has a great teacher and has made some friends in her new class. Savannah is always happiest when school is in session. She likes her teacher and has quite a few friends from our ward in her class. She couldn't be happier. Matthew has started Kindergarten, finally. He wondered why he wasn't going to Kindergarten two days after preschool ended. He has an awesome teacher, Savannah also had her for Kindergarten. The joy of living this close to the school is I get to catch private moments between siblings as they walk to and from school. They are all sweet to each other and watch out for one another. I love watching them out the kitchen window.
caught my eye + deals 2.28.25
6 days ago