OK, maybe they aren't stars yet, but one day... Lindsey and a lot of friends her age, participated in a ballroom dance club this year. Their team headed a ballroom dance competition where they competed against many other schools. While the Bluff Ridge Elementary team came home with a small number of the ribbons, they had fun and it was fun to watch. Because this club is optional (they have to commit to going before school and in our case, agree to go even when they are off track) no one is there that doesn't want to be. You could tell by watching that the kids were really enjoying themselves. As I watched the competition, I was very impressed with how the kids handled themselves. Boys were escorting girls where they needed to be, kids were dressed modestly, great etiquett was shown, and everyone-- tall, skinny,short, fat, popular or not was having fun. I loved it! I leaned over and told James we should take a ballroom dance class-- he just laughed. I'll have to keep working on him.
caught my eye + deals 1.17.25
4 days ago