We had a great week full of fun activities that reminded me what talented kids we have and how blessed we are to be a part of their lives! We started out the week with a science fair for Luke. If you've been following, I'm sure you're thinking, "another one?!" That's right, this was the third one he's gone to. I'm starting to wonder if he isn't entering science fairs so he can miss a day of school. Nonetheless, he did have the opportunity to go to the state science fair because he placed in the district fair. I was lucky enough to have James around that day to help transport him to and from the fair because I had other places to be. I heard the experience had an overall rating of "boring" by both father and son. Luke was disappointed that he only got to talk to two judges (I would have been relieved.) Unfortunately, we got busy later in the week and forgot to go the the awards so we're not sure how he did.
Our next event involved Luke again. The sixth grade program was held for all to enjoy--except those that chose to go to caucus meetings. I must admit, I did think about leaving the camera with James and joining the causus but I'm glad I didn't miss Luke's performance. It's not everyday I get to see Luke dress and dance as a mummy. We were entertained as we were taught about ancient civilizations. As far as school programs go, this was one of the more entertaining. I look forward to seeing it four more times!
We had a musical performance that invovled the three girls. We got to enjoy their violin recital at the end of the week. This is the first time all the girls have performed together Savannah was very nervous but did a great job on "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." Lindsey played "Three Grenadiers" and was accompanied by her grandma, Marcia. This worked out well because Lindsey was able to practice a few times at home with Marcia before the performance. No one else had that opportunity. They did a great job together and Lindsey commented that she appreciated grandma helping her because she knew when Lindsey was going to mess up and played louder. It's always good to know that someone has your back. Heather performed Bach's "Minuet 3". She did get to practice at home with me as her accompaniast but had a different one at the recital. She did a great job, I was very proud to see that she remembered the things we went over at home.
I think the girl's favorite part of the recital was wearing their Easter dresses to the performance. We had our annual dress shopping trip earlier in the week. This has become a tradition over the past three years. I used to make them Easter dresses but one year we happened to hit a dress sale at the mall before Easter and they had such a good time trying on and modeling dresses at the store that I decided to change the tradition from homemade dresses to store bought. As I am someone that hates trying on clothes at the store, I find it amusing how much they like trying them one. We usually end up with about ten dresses, per girl, in the dressing room before we're done. Matthew had to accompany us on this trip and he didn't enjoy it as much as the girls. He did, however, pick out a Monster truck shirt that he wore about three days straight. I would start him out wearing something different, but by the end of the day, he would convince a sibling to change his shirt when I wasn't home. Oh, well.
Finally, Lindsey had her first cheer performance this week. Her team competed in a competition in Ogden. They lost a lot of the older girls that they had on their team last year, but they built up again and were just as impressive.
Lindsey is really enjoying her experiences this year. She gets thrown up in the air a few times and thinks that's great. It was fun to watch her and see how she interacts with her team. I was grateful she decided she didn't want to hang around and wait for the awards ceremony. If any of you have had the opportunity to experience a dance competition you'll know what I'm talking about. When it's not your kid performing, it can get very boring! We left right after her performance and headed home to enjoy a beautiful day!
I'm sure this post may come across as bragging, but I just report it as I see it. I must say, that I am grateful for good kids that keep us busy. James and I could take credit for all they do, but we would be wrong. The longer I am a mother, the more I realize that these cute kids have their own spirits and personalities that existed before James and I ever met in this life. We are just blessed to be the ones to watch them rediscover and define who they are.
caught my eye + deals 1.17.25
4 days ago