I shared the details of Luke's birthday and I wanted to share his experience of receiving the Priesthood. While turning twelve and receiving the Priesthood generally goes hand in hand in our Church, I thought it significant enough to merit its own entry.
The Sunday after Luke's 12th birthday he received the Priesthood and was ordained to the office of a deacon. I know James had some good talks with Luke about receiving the Priesthood and I was lucky as a mother to share with Luke my thoughts on such an awesome responsibility. I am very proud of Luke and his desire to do what is right and follow the Savior. He tries really hard to be responsible and do what is expected of him. What I have noticed most about him this year is his ability to love. Luke has so many friends and he gets a long with all of them. Some of the friends don't get a long with each other but Luke is always there trying to make sure no one's feelings are hurt or no one is left out. I have realized what an example to me he is of charity and Christlike love.
James gave Luke a beautiful blessing when he set Luke apart. James, his dad, and our home teacher and dear friend Brother Tucker stood in the circle. James blessed Luke with so many things that I can't name them all but they mostly involved Luke choosing the right. I hope the words and, more importantly, the feelings of that moment will stay with Luke.
caught my eye + deals 1.31.25
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