In June we were excited to have our Cluff cousins come to visit. We don't get to see them very often as they live in Texas and make it out here about once a year or every other year. The kids had a blast renewing friendships and hanging out together. We were actually fortunate enough to have them up here twice over a couple of weekends. I was grateful to have Nicole go to nursery with me to help out. I'll take the help from anywhere, out of state or in my ward.
The first weekend they came up, the kids played outside a lot until the rain would start. We had one mishap when Tyson climbed over the fence to get a ball. He got stuck on the fence and did a nose dive onto the tennis court, chipping his front tooth and splitting his upper lip. I called Nicole,who was at the eye doctor, to ask if she'd like me to take him in for stitches but we decided to butterfly it. Luckily James is a dentist and was able to fix his tooth that evening. The kids all had fun playing "ghosts in the graveyard" at James office while I assisted James at the chair.
Lindsey and Emily spent most of the time together in Lindsey's room writing stories and poetry. They were able to put together a whole book during Emily's visit. They wrote a cute poem about being cousins and friends.
I had a lot of fun with Ryan. I got to spoil him and become his favorite aunt. I took him to the grocery store one evening and he showed me all the treats he thought we needed. When they came up the second time I told him I was happy to see him and that I'd missed him, he said, "I know." The cutest part was when he fell asleep sitting up against the piano during the home teacher's visit. He is quite a character. All in all, we had an eventful couple of weekends and a lot of memories were made.