At the graduation ceremony, the students are honored for accomplishments and recognized for what they plan to accomplish. Lindsey won a reading award, the Presidential award (signed by President Obama-- that's a keeper!) and the Hope of America Award. The latter award was given to two students, who were voted on by faculty and students, to honor their academic skills and friendliness to those around them. Lindsey was surprised and happy that her fellow students thought she was so friendly. The Presidential award is given for achieving 95% or above on end of level testing for all elementary years. We were very proud of Lindsey and her accomplishments.
There was a Bravery Award given to one of the students who was recently diagnosed with cancer and has begun battling it. I don't think there was a dry eye in the room as he accepted that award. It has been a good experience for the 6th graders to associate with this young man and help him raise funds to fight his cancer. I think we have all been honored to watch these young people respond to their friend and his family at this time.
The final part of graduation is the awarding of "diplomats" and a quick sketch of where each student wants to be in 20 years. This is always humorous. If they stick to their plans, we will have many pro sports stars and other famous people coming out of Syracuse, Utah, and when they all come back to visit, there will be some pretty nice cars driving around town.
Now it's onward and upwards to Junior High and more adventures ahead.