Matthew was fun to watch. However, he is a little too smart for his own good. He figured out it wasn't worth his energy to run and chase the ball when there was ten other kids doing it. He told me he was better off out on the sides, that way when they kicked the ball out of the huddle he would be ready to get it. It was a good plan but it also meant Matthew was standing around on the sides waiting for the ball. I would encourage him to be more agressive and get in the middle but he would tell me no, he needed to be out of the huddle and ready for the ball. He had fun being a part of his team and we would cheer him on when he would occassionally get the ball.
Savannah was in the co-ed league this year. It was intimidating for her to play with the boys because they are quite aggressive. At this age, they play positions and really try to learn the strategies of the game. Savannah liked playing defense best because she didn't have to fight for the ball as much. She loves to run but not get run into. Her team won about half their games.